CSS Videos
By Ashton Sanders

CSS Properties

CSS Font-Style (Italics)

(22 votes, avg: 3.32/5)

Video Transcript:

Hello again and welcome to My name is Ashton Sanders and this CSS Tutorial will be a simple overview of the CSS Property called “Font-Style“. This is how you use CSS to make text slanted or italic.

The four possible values for font-style are: normal, italic, oblique and inherit. The default value is normal (not italic), but it does inherit the font-style of parent elements. The difference between italic and oblique is that oblique takes the “normal” font and turns it sideways, while italic font will look for the italic version of the font first. In some recent browsers these two are pretty interchangeable.

In this example code, I have made all of my <p> (paragraphs) italic with font-style:

p { font-style: italic; }

This CSS Property is inherited, which means all child elements inside of the selected element also will be italicized. So if I applied the font-style of italic to the <body> of the page, all the text in the body will be italic.

(This can easily be overwritten by applying another font-style to a child element.)

Thank you for watching this CSS Tutorial.

This entry was posted by Ashton Sanders on Friday, June 17th, 2011 at 11:37 pm and is filed under CSS Properties, Text/Font. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

13 Responses to “CSS Font-Style (Italics)”

  1. Vishnu says:

    Good videos… specially for starters like me..

  2. Debi says:

    It was a good refresher. Simple and straightforward.

  3. Ellen says:

    Great set of videos, very clear and easy to understand. Thank you for putting them together!

  4. kirit says:

    i wanted to know about css and your videos provided me a good knowledge of css within one hour…


    • Calvin says:

      Me too, thanks hay

  5. Gaurav says:

    an exceptionally brief and to the point video tutorials for the beginners like me..searched every part of youtube to get this straight but cudn’t find anything simpler…

  6. Ray says:

    More please!

    • Ashton Sanders says:

      Thank you for all the positive comments. I’ve got more in the pipeline, so March should be a great month for new CSS Videos. Subscribe to be notified when they come out!

  7. seeker says:

    Ashton, great videos for beginners! I’ve found it soo useful. Thank you for them. So… more please! encore! 🙂

  8. Ahmez says:

    Hi Ashton…Thanks for all these vids…hope you will upload more videos!

  9. Andre says:

    I enjoyed a lot the videos you have published here. I only don’t understand very well how can I use all of that into the same page, for instance, in a webpage made in HTML design.

  10. Andre says:

    I’ve loved your videos.

  11. Calvin says:

    Thank you soo much hay.

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.love { css: awesome }